Breaking through self-doubt and low self-esteem

Imposter feelings causing worry about being found out and not being good enough 

  • Deeper understanding of thoughts
  • Unpacking of non-conducive patterns
  • Strategies for overcoming Imposter feelings
  • Personal coaching to incorporate strategies

Conquering imposter feelings, transforming worry into self-assuredness. This shift ignited remarkable strides in self-worth, translating to heightened confidence. The result was an empowered approach to challenges previously deemed insurmountable.

Anupama has helped me make great strides toward recognising my self-worth. Her coaching has had a tremendous impact on my confidence, enabling me to take on new challenges that previously felt beyond reach. Always lively yet centered, Anupama is committed to bringing out the best in her coachees.

– Ashok Narendranath
Machine Learning Engineer