Cultivating Leadership Authenticity

How to find and share a unique leadership voice 

  • Deeper understanding of thoughts
  • Unpacking of non-conducive patterns
  • Exploration to uncover one’s leadership voice
  • Incorporation of specific habits to transform behavior


Built trust and delved into diverse leadership topics. From collaboration to resilience, coaching empowered each member to discover and embrace their unique leadership voice, marking a transformative journey within the cohort.

Anupama took over supporting my cohort in the middle of the year. In addition to navigating our time zones to ensure that our dedicated monthly coaching sessions would be well attended, taking over a cohort meant that Anupama had to build trust with a group of women who already had a rhythm and way of doing things. And she did! We rounded out the year covering a whole host of topics, from collaboration to resilience to finding our own and unique leadership voices. 

– Maithri Vangala
Senior Director, Holmusk